May Residential was founded on integrity, trust, and innovation, this is more than a company culture, this is our core corporate philosophy. It has been these values that have allowed us to attract the best and the brightest in our field and build a strong team atmosphere. We aspire to achieve excellence in our work product and services without losing the delicate balance between our professional and personal lives. We work together to provide our clients with creative answers to difficult questions. It is this approach that has allowed May Residential to develop long-standing relationships with our clients and promote the best possible work environment for our employees.
May Residential’s Vision
May Residential strives to be the most trusted adviser and respected professional construction services firm in our industry by providing practical constructive expertise to our clients.
DCP’s Mission
May Residential provides proven professional construction services that enhance the value of our client’s projects and contribute to their success by partnering with them to improve their intended outcomes.

May Residential’s Values
Accountability We take responsibility for individual and collective actions.
Integrity We do the right thing.
Collaboration We work as a team to achieve collective goals.
Trust We are skilled and our motives are genuine.
Passion We are inspired to make a lasting impact.
Innovation We bring creative solutions to complex situations.
The Pursuit of Excellence We continually strive to exceed the expectations of our clients and our people.

May Residential’s Corporate Ethics Statement
May Residential’s Management and its employees adhere strictly to an ethics policy. This policy is a part of our culture and integrity. The employees of May Residential pledge:
To advise our clients in a professional manner in delivering our work products.
To provide our clients with advice based on an honest evaluation of the facts.
To place service before profit; honor and standing of our profession before personal advantage;?and the welfare of the public and the environment above all other considerations.
To compete fairly and respectfully with our professional colleagues.
To maintain the standards of the profession, in accordance with the laws and regulations, which govern our professional practice.
To avoid any conduct that could be considered unethical or immoral, or that interferes with, or conflicts with any laws, statutes or regulations.
To keep information and records confidential, and protect the interests of our clients, professional colleagues and employees at all times.
To negotiate fairly with our clients to establish a basis for compensation.
To seek to avoid any perceived conflict of interest that may impair our objectivity and immediately offer to withdraw from any assignment where actual conflict exists.